Thursday, August 11, 2016

Pangu 9.3.3 Download-will You Jailbreak?

Ending a long pause Pangu released the new tool. So with Pangu 9.3.3 Download, you can have a successful jailbreak by updating your iOS to 9.3.3. When comparing with the original release, we could find favorable changes with the tool by now. In fact Pangu has brought needed improvements to Pangu 9.3.3 following various updates. So anyone who doubted with the earlier version might feel fine to work by now. In that way I thought of writing a brief note about updated Pangu 9.3.3 Download to make you closer to the tool.

What Changes Pangu 9.3.3 Features?

When Pangu introduces the tool, it was very much limited with its features. In fact it was only in Chinese and supported Windows being a troublesome semi-untethered. Even jailbreak fans were quite familiar with tethered and untethered, a semi-untethered was a strange experience for them. In that way by deciding to bring updates over the original Pangu jailbreak, Pangu has made the tool use for more people.

About a week after Pangu 9.3.3 came, an English Pangu version was introduced by Pangu. So it was a fine change which also came with support to all platforms. In that way Pangu 9.3.3 was able to operate on Windows, Mac and also Linux. When things were going like that, the certificate expiry with the jailbreak has risen to be a matter for most. As the operation done with the regular Apple ID was expiring with every 7 days passed. In that way re-jailbreaking was required week by week for those who want to keep their jailbreak success. But now it is only a story of history as Pangu 9.3.3 updated version came with a proper solution for this certificate expiry matter.

Pangu 1.1 updated

Pangu 1.1 was recently updated to jailbreak with English version which comes attached with a 1-year Beijing Enterprise certificate. So with a successful processing you will be able to get benefit of the 1-year certificate which prevent user from re-jailbreaking until April 2017. As now the most irritating problem that made the semi-untethered troublesome is gone, you can try Pangu 9.3.3 Download for a stable iOS jailbreak. For those who have already jailbroken can too side-load the new Pangu 1.1 and get chance for the 1-year certificate.

Update: iOS 9.3.4 Download is now possible on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch with important security updates. But if you want to keep your device jailbroken, stay away from Apple’s latest iOS update as getting it will destroy your jailbreak 

Pangu 9.3.3 Download-Supported Devices

Even though Pangu made several changes in the Pangu Download tool, it still work across 64-bit device models and no change could be expected in times ahead too. In that way 32-bit device owners will not be able to grab Cydia 9.3.3 with new Pangu jailbreak. Below given are the supported devices, so check before head to operate.

  • iPhone 5s
  • iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus
  • iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 4
  • iPhone SE
  • iPad Air, iPad Air 2
  • iPad Pro
  • iPod touch 6th Generation

Video Guide to Pangu 9.3.3 Jailbreak 


Is Safari Based working for iOS 9.3.3 Jailbreak?

About days after Pangu 9.3.3 announced, we heard of a Safari-based which made the jailbreak even easier. With a problem occurred the process was not allowed for a little time. But now it is back to public to make iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak successfully work in the device itself.

Pangu 9.3.3 jailbreak can be done with or without the PC. So head to Pangu 9.3.3 Download and start making your iOS more powerful. Even though the tool is still a semi-untethered, it is now in the right track with constant updates. So it is now up to you to decide whether to jailbreak or not.

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